Our products have good quality stability. This is due to our strict compliance with the standard process and quality control system. Ibbażat fuq aktar minn 16 years of production experience, we have gradually optimized our production process, which has made breakthroughs in our production efficiency and product quality.
1. Before order production, we will draw up the production plan and prepare the required raw materials.
2. According to the customer’s request, the sample is first produced and send to the client for confirmation.
3. After the client confirms that the sample is correct, bulk production will be carried out.
4. After the products are produced, we have automatic packaging machines for packaging. We can also do customized packaging according to customers’ designs and drawings.
5. After the product is packed, it will be transported to the warehouse. Our warehouse management is very perfect, and all goods are dispatched by the warehouse.
6. Our shipping methods are flexible. Large quantities of goods will be transported by sea, and small quantities or urgent orders can be transported by air.
1. Incoming Quality Control: This is the first protection of product production. We control the quality from the source of product production.
2. In Put Process Quality Control: In the process of product production, we have special quality inspectors to control the quality of production.
3. Outgoing Quality Control: Before the product is shipped, we will do a final inspection on the product. After confirming that the product is correct, it will be shipped.
Aħna se nirrispondu fi ħdan 12 sigħat, jekk jogħġbok oqgħod attent għall-email bis-suffiss “@enggauto.com”.
Ukoll, inti tista 'tmur għall- Paġna ta' Kuntatt, li jipprovdi formola aktar dettaljata, jekk għandek aktar mistoqsijiet għal prodotti jew tixtieq tikseb servizz OEM.
L-espert tal-prodott tagħna se jirrispondi fi ħdan 12 sigħat, jekk jogħġbok oqgħod attent għall-email bis-suffiss “@enggauto.com”.